Newsletter 2017 - 2

Anerkennungspreis der Krebsliga Schweiz 2017

Thomas Hoepli receives the Swiss Cancer League’s Recognition Award

Thomas Hoepli (Co-Founder and Member of the Board SWISS BRIDGE), Prof Dr. Jakob Passweg (Chairman SWISS BRIDGE) and Dr. Kathrin Kramis-Aebischer (CEO Krebsliga Schweiz)

The Recognition Award "Anerkennungspreis" has been awarded to individuals or organisations, committed to improving cancer patients’ situations since 2004.

The Swiss Cancer League takes great pleasure in honouring Thomas Hoepli with the Anerkennungspreis 2017 and writes: With this Recognition Award, we express our utmost appreciation for the commitment in

  • the establishment of the SWISS BRIDGE foundation
  • over 20 years of successful collaboration in the field of cancer research funding
  • initiating the SWISS BRIDGE AWARD – an award that has become well established as a valuable funding instrument for competitive cancer research at the European level.

SWISS BRIDGE was founded on the initiative of the former managing director Thomas Hoepli, who is now a member of the Board of Foundation.

The purpose of the organisation, founded in 1997 with assistance of the Swiss Cancer League, is to financially support high-quality Swiss and international research projects, which are expected to deliver new findings in the fight against cancer, through contributions from private donors and foundations.

To date, a total of some 30 Mio Swiss Francs donations were received by SWISS BRIDGE for cancer research projects in Belgium, Brazil, England, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Spain and Switzerland.

Further information: Newsletter 2017 - 2

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