• Donations & Legacies

Donations & Legacies

Designated donations

Donors may designate their contribution to specific institutions of their choice. With the approval of the Scientific Committee, and under the condition that the beneficiaries are members of the Union for International Cancer Control (a WHO institution), projects in any part of the world may be supported.

Non-designated donations

Many donors entrust the decision for the use of funds to the Scientific Committee. Through the SWISS BRIDGE AWARD, international scientists are invited to compete for this prestigious award and funds.

Cooperation with other Foundations and direct donations

SWISS BRIDGE has a longstanding tradition to help other foundations evaluate cancer research projects to be supported by them. Often, these foundations establish a direct contact with the selected researchers, although the flow of funds and the progress of the projects are controlled by SWISS BRIDGE. The most prominent example is the Stammbach Foundation, which supported projects of SWISS BRIDGE for many years. Other donors have entrusted the Scientific Committee of SWISS BRIDGE to select and evaluate cancer research projects, which they support directly. This is also a very effective way to contribute towards cancer research, profiting from a high-quality selection process at minimal costs. We would like to motivate other donors to make use of our outstanding scientific expertise.


Donor details

Donor‘s account

  • Credit Suisse | 8070 Zurich
  • IBAN:
    CH52 0483 5095 7385 1100 0
  • PC:

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